Spectrophotometer View larger

Mobile spectrophotometer


New product

"state of the art“, ultra mobile, 45°/0° geometry, high resolution spectrophotometer in a pocket format.

Connect direct to your colour reference database from anywhere in the world, using wireless LAN or tether to your smart phone with Bluetooth V4.0

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„state of the art“, ultra mobile, 45°/0° geometry, high resolution spectrophotometer in a pocket format.

Connect direct to your colour reference database from anywhere in the world, using wireless LAN or tether to your smart phone with Bluetooth V4.0

The small sized instrument, made in Germany from a solid aluminium block, weighs just 270g.

It is equipped with the latest high-definition technology allowing a high resolution spectral scan in 3.5nm steps in less than 1 second.

The brilliant colour high contrast O-LED display makes a perfect user interface.

The menu is simple and clear, so anyone can perform measurements fast and accurate.

Data sheet


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